Stick to the Plan

I have to confess that I am a bit of a football fan (soccer for my American readers). I find the complexity of a fast-paced game where 11 players compete against another 11, following well-defined, but often ‘loosely’ interpreted rules, an interesting miniature experiment of life itself. What casual observers who are not remotely interestedContinueContinue reading “Stick to the Plan”

Only You Can Decide Your Worth

In the money-driven society we live in, we attach high importance on the ‘cost’ of things. However, very often our understanding of the true meaning of value is inadequate, and based on habit rather than a deeper insight about how that value is linked to our self-worth. We have a good idea of the valueContinueContinue reading “Only You Can Decide Your Worth”

Responsibility Versus Blame

For all of us operating in the disciplines of therapy, coaching or mentoring, facilitating change is at the core of what we do. However, every type of change requires an element of responsibility. Responsibility is about having the choice of responding to what is happening to us. As Sartre eloquently put it: freedom is whatContinueContinue reading “Responsibility Versus Blame”

Don’t Let Semantics Get in the Way of Action

I used to have a client who hated the word ‘goals’. In every conversation we had, we were going into painstaking efforts to avoid it, using terms such as ‘flow’ and ‘process’ instead, which suggested a more organic and fluid approach to goal setting. Other people I have worked with recently, got stressed by theContinueContinue reading “Don’t Let Semantics Get in the Way of Action”

Set your Intentions Now To Achieve Your 2022 Goals

One of the genuinely positive effects of social media, is the fact that it allows you to build a digital footprint of your goals, intentions and actions. Back in December 2020, I wrote in my music artist Facebook page that my intention for 2021 is to make a number of musical collaborations happen. Just likeContinueContinue reading “Set your Intentions Now To Achieve Your 2022 Goals”

Know Your Values- Interview with Dr Bridget NLP

In my most recent podcast conversation with Dr Bridget, my coach and NLP trainer, we discussed Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), curiosity, values, identity, goals and much more! A former GP and medical director, Bridget is now known as the Chief Unsticker: she helps business owners get unstuck from their unhelpful thinking patterns and create clarityContinueContinue reading “Know Your Values- Interview with Dr Bridget NLP”

You Don’t Need Motivation, You Need Commitment

I’m willing to place a bet that every single day, you are doing a number of things that don’t particularly fire you up. Consider the following questions: Do you wake up every day motivated to be at work on time?Are you jumping with joy whenever you embark on another trip to the supermarket for yourContinueContinue reading “You Don’t Need Motivation, You Need Commitment”

Start Taking Action To Make Your Fear Disappear

We are conditioned to believe that our fear is the result of things we do. This makes intuitively sense, but does the statement hold the whole truth when we look into it in more detail? At first sight, it sounds self-explanatory. Just think of the title of the classic self-help book ‘Feel the Fear andContinueContinue reading “Start Taking Action To Make Your Fear Disappear”

Why I Would Prefer a Magic Penny to Three Million (and You Should Too)

In his classic book ‘The Compound Effect’ Darren Hardy describes how the key to long-term success lays in small everyday decisions and positive actions that are repeated consistently. He gives a hypothetical example of having the choice of either accepting three million dollars now, or being given a magic penny that multiplies every single dayContinueContinue reading “Why I Would Prefer a Magic Penny to Three Million (and You Should Too)”