Interview with Ethical Business Owner Jaya Patel

As a life coach, a significant part of my work centres around helping people to fulfil their potential. Once in a while, we all meet a person in our lives who seems to live and breathe for their unique talent to inspire and bring other people together. Those people are not necessarily what the -rather materialistic- western worldview would consider to be ‘successful’. Their ‘success’ doesn’t necessarily translate into material wealth; this doesn’t mean that they can’t achieve wealth, and indeed they often do as a side effect of their strong work ethic based on the deeper values that lead them to positive action. However, their gains are first and foremost internal, and their influence upon others cannot be measured solely by quantitative figures. It is rather akin to a slow burning flame, which is passed on in an almost unnoticeable and inconspicuous manner to the people around them.   Their leadership is powerful and infectious, and yet they don’t shout, demand or intimidate.

I believe that Jaya is such a person, and in the 30 minute interview below I speak to her about her life and food philosophy, what motivates and drives her forward and how her customers react to her work. You will hear about her holistic views and how the ancient Ayurvedic philosophy influences her cooking methods. Her approach has a strong effect on her customers, whose loyalty and enthusiasm are visible to anyone who has ever set foot in T Caddy- Jaya’s Veggie Haven.

This is the first conversation is a series of interviews I plan with inspiring people who I feel can act as an example to others who also search to tune in to their inner drive and amplify that tiny little voice inside in order to roar like a lion.   I hope you find this conversation as inspiring as I did.

Kostas The Coach is a Personal Performance and Small Business Coach based in Slough, UK. I help creative people develop their individuality and businesses grow sustainably while remaining ethical.
Kostas The Coach site

Published by Kostas Panagiotou-The Freedom Composer

Creating Clarity and Freedom for overwhelmed solopreneurs, small business owners, therapists and creatives - | Composer | Birman cats

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